Photo from RomeLawRome on Pinterest

One thing these past few days have taught me is to exclaim like Tyla. (I gave up on the dancing and mesmerizing twerking immediately I started learning😂). Be that as it may, let me get out my first Yoh because the week I am having is going to drive me to insomnia.

I woke up on Tuesday morning and decided that I have to be the one to break the curse of perpetual brokeness in my family. I only had to scratch my head for a minute to remember that I had joined Upwork some time in 2020 but I had quickly given up because I had yet to experience a critical level of being broke.

I quickly logged in and to my surprise, I found that Upwork had been depositing free Connects to my account every month and they had accumulated to the grand sum of 105. I was so happy and in my state of glee, I started behaving like a blind lumberjack and started felling my great trees of Connects by applying to all jobs that seemed doable without any strategy whatsoever.

By Thursday, it was clear that I was not going to get any jobs and a tiny sensible part of my brain that my system unsurprisingly keeps safely tucked away at the back of my head, told me that I should actually have a strategy. Fortunately, I saw the light and I hurriedly went to the YouTube University where I got some useful insight.

After burning the midnight oil on Friday night diligently noting down all the useful tips and tricks, I quickly realized that because of my poor planning, I had actually wasted my second chance at Upwork.

The first challenge that I was facing was that I had no laptop so there was no way I could bring my profile information to 100% because including the projects segment requires a desktop or tablet. The desktop was required also to optimize job search through Zapier which is just terribly inconvenient when done by phone.

Two, I had wasted my Connects and I only had 30 remaining which did not do much for me as I kept refreshing hoping that I would come across a job requiring less Connects so that I may apply to at least two or three but that was futile.

Nevertheless, I heard from someone wise that third time is the charm so let me relax my third world self till I get 45 dollars to buy myself a new lifeline.


Published by LiteralCate

Someone with words that need an outlet.

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