In this feeling of helplessness,

I scream to my soul and join that girl sitting alone in the dark crevices therein

The all time fear that I have carried with me ever since I was a child drips slowly and flows through the crevices

“Will I ever amount to anything?” All the voices in my head scream,

As I sink deeper, deeper to the floor of my soul

Where my heart bleeds and my brain wants to come to a standstill

” What is a life filled with dread?” They cry out

That I have to live a life where good days never feel good and bad days always feel bad

That I have to anticipate the bad moments never really knowing the pleasure of living

Is a future my heart cannot comprehend
So I sink deeper still,

Deeper till I drown in that river that flows through the crevices

And the nuance is not lost on me

That I take my last breath in my own river of helplessness

Published by LiteralCate

Someone with words that need an outlet.

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